Our schools are meant to prepare our students for a variety of career pathways and guide them to be informed and caring community members. As your board member, I will support partnerships with local unions to ensure our students have access to trade apprenticeships for careers with high paying salaries and robust benefits. Our CRY-ROP Program has been such a wonderful program for our students, and I look forward to supporting this program and expanding it to include a wider variety of trades.

I am also eager to support the creation of a dual language immersion program here in Redlands, as we have significant interest in our community in this type of program. My understanding is we have a program/curriculum ready but not staffing; I hope to address the barriers that are preventing this program from getting off the ground.

Lastly, I want to hear from you, the community! What does quality education mean to you? What changes or additions would you like to see in our curriculum? I am excited to work together on this with you. Please email valerietaber4redlandsusd@gmail.com to share your ideas!